Bienvenidos! Pardon the dust, but we’re just getting started here. We will be using this space to feature the work of those who are involved in ocean conservation and who are actively connecting their work to our communities. This means that we will be writing about scientists, activists, policy makers, and others who are making waves in ocean conservation.
We want this space to be fun, informative, and inspiring. Sometimes we will be informing you about real policy decisions that are being made and how you can make an impact. And we will strive to keep you up to date on any news and issues that affect our coastal communities with a focus on California.
In the spirit of welcoming you to our new home, please keep in mind that this space is open for story pitches and for publicizing events. We’re open to publish guest contributions too. If you have a hometown hero who is doing important work near your local beach, please share with us. If you know of a local group that is working on beach cleanups, let us know. We want to amplify the work of those who are engaged in protecting our extraordinary ocean resources for wildlife and for mankind.